What should we know about the Ten Commandments? #shorts
The Real Danger of False Teaching
Join Cliff Goodwin as he warns us of the dangers of false teaching and the devastating effects it can have on Christians and the Body of Christ as a whole. Be sure to have your Bible and your mind open as we study in this week’s episode of Preaching The Gospel (1151)! 📺 WATCH ALL THE EPISODES OF PTG: 📽 CHECK OUT THESE SHORT CLIPS FROM PTG: 📲 DOWNLOAD OUR APP: Available on the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, Apple TV, & Roku! Download Our App 🕸 VISIT US ON THE WEB: www.gbntv.org #gbn #churchofchrist #gospelbroadcastingnetwork #study #preachingthegospel #preaching #gospel #biblestudy
In Christ Alone | Salvation Matters
https://video.wvbs.org In the Bible, physical salvation was repeatedly found in specific places, such as in Noah’s ark during the Flood or in houses marked with a lamb’s blood during the Exodus. Similarly, spiritual salvation from sin is found only in Jesus Christ. Are you safe in the Household of Christ? Are you a member of Jesus’ Church?
Arguments Against Baptism | Truth on Wheels
Don and Ken Shrum (Coweta, Oklahoma) discuss objections to baptism’s essentiality. Follow along each Friday at 11:00 am (CT) to see vlogs on what Don Blackwell has learned to adapt to in his day-to-day life, Bible teaching, interviews with fellow preachers, and much more! 📺 WATCH TRUTH ON WHEELS: New episodes of Truth on Wheels will be available to watch every Friday here on YouTube and https://www.facebook.com/GBNOrg! 📲 Watch episodes of Truth on Wheels at ANY TIME on the GBN APP, available on the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, & Roku! Download Our App ❓ GOT A BIBLE QUESTION? – Email Us! [email protected] ☑️ LIKE THE VIDEO & SUBSCRIBE TO GBN for more content! https://www.youtube.com/user/GBNTV #vlog #christianvlog #gbn #christianity #churchofchrist #donblackwell #biblestudy
Who is the Holy Spirit? #shorts
Who is the Holy Spirit?