In the book of Acts, three different answers were given to non-Christians asking how to be saved. Why was the same answer not given each time? Why did Peter, Paul, and Ananias respond differently to the question, “What must I do to be saved?” Should I believe and obey all three answers or simply choose one or two? Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
What Is Gender Identity Disorder? Part Two | Truth on Wheels
The second part of “Gender Identity Disorder Today” will further explore topics such as homosexuality, gay marriage, transgenderism, LGBTQ+ issues, and the efforts to justify these concepts. We will also discuss how Christians can help those struggling with these challenges. Join Don and Aaron as they talk through these sensitive issues. Check out this Free PDF of Thomas F. Eaves, Sr. Debate On Homosexuality Watch Part One Here: Check out our new email address: [email protected] Follow along each Friday at 11:00 am (CT) to see vlogs on what Don Blackwell has learned to adapt to in his day-to-day life, Bible teaching, interviews with fellow preachers, and much more! 📺 WATCH TRUTH ON WHEELS: New episodes of Truth on Wheels will be available to watch every Friday here on YouTube and! 📲 Watch episodes of Truth on Wheels at ANY TIME on the GBN APP, available on the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, & Roku! Download Our App ❓ GOT A BIBLE QUESTION? – Email Us! [email protected] or [email protected] ☑️ LIKE THE VIDEO & SUBSCRIBE TO GBN for more content! #vlog #christianvlog #gbn #christianity #churchofchrist #donblackwell #biblestudy
Where do you find courage? #shorts Where do you find courage? #shorts
Ephesians 2:8-9—Grace, Faith, and Works | Salvation Matters
Home Ephesians 2:8-9 rightly emphasizes salvation as a gift from God, not earned by meritorious human works. Just as we cannot revive ourselves from physical death, individuals cannot save themselves from spiritual death. So, does this mean we “do nothing” to receive the free gift of salvation? Join Eric Lyons as he delves into this extremely important and often misunderstood question.
The Ethics of In Vitro Fertilization w/Glenn Colley
In this video Glenn Colley interviews a couple that adopted via IVF. With modern technology and science, is it always ethical to use these methods? ❓ GOT A BIBLE QUESTION? – Email Us! [email protected] or [email protected] 📲 DOWNLOAD OUR APP: Available on the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, Apple TV, & Roku! Download Our App 🕸 VISIT US ON THE WEB: #gbn #churchofchrist #gospelbroadcastingnetwork #study #preachingthegospel #preaching #gospel #biblestudy