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Was Jesus a Thief?

Some modern critics of Christ contend that Jesus commanded His disciples to steal a donkey and her colt before entering Jerusalem during the final week of His life. Can a legitimate case against the Christ be made, or is this just another trumped-up charge? Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.

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Wonders of Creation: Hippopotamus

Home They’re fat, yet fast. They can’t swim (or even float) yet live mostly in water. They’re vegetarians and yet kill more humans than lions do. As head-scratching as these walking “contradictions” may be, don’t miss out on their complex, functional design that logically points to a mighty Maker.

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Wonders of Creation: Hummingbirds

Home Hummingbirds are the hovering helicopters of the bird world, able to fly sideways and backward, as well as up and down, all the while keeping their torsos virtually stationary. They can even fly upside down! Truly, the unique maneuverability of these breathtaking birds logically demands a marvelous Maker.

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Who Exactly Was at the Tomb of Jesus?

Two of the main problems that many cite in the four accounts of the resurrection of Jesus have to do with the identity and number of women who went to the empty tomb of Jesus, as well as who they actually found there. Join Eric Lyons as he discusses these frequently asked questions. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.