Understanding the context of the prayer of Jabez is key. Watch this episode of Make It Plain to learn how this prayer can and cannot apply to us, when we look at it in its proper context. Thanks for tuning in to Make It Plain – the Eric, Kee, & Cameron show – our goal for the show is that we just want to take the Bible, and Make It Plain! 📫 EMAIL US IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS – We’d love to answer and get in touch with you! [email protected] 📺 WATCH ALL EPISODES OF MAKE IT PLAIN: • Make it Plain | Eric Garner, Kee Ford… 📲 DOWNLOAD OUR APP: Download Our App 🕸 VISIT US ON THE WEB: www.gbntv.org #makeitplain #christianpodcast
8. Seven Things to Say to God Everyday | Light of the World (Season 4)
Home We live in a world full of ways to communicate with each other, and we probably use multiple ways every day. But the Bible says we must also communicate to our heavenly Father, and it provides prayer as the way in which this is possible. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they look at what our prayers to God should include.
The Authentic Christian Podcast S5 E7
What REALLY matters? #gospelbroadcastingnetwork #gbn #churchofchrist #authenticchristian #forchristiantiktok #christianpodcast #HeavenOrHell #heaven #whatmattersmost #eternity
Evil, Pain, Suffering & Lessons from Job | The Authentic Christian Podcast S5E07
Aaron and Scott are back with an all-new The Authentic Christian Podcast episode! Can we blame God for the evil, pain, and suffering in the world? What is the answer to these problems? Join Aaron and Scott in this episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast to find out. We look forward to sharing new episodes this season EVERY WEDNESDAY until the end of the year! PODCAST RESOURCE PAGE | https://bit.ly/3tSoX4N OTHER RESOURCES | https://linktr.ee/theauthenticchristian ^ Download FREE Bible posters, watch teaching videos, find a local church, and discover every resource mentioned in the podcast. 🎧 PODCAST | The Authentic Christian: Season 1-4 Now Streaming 🎧 PODCAST | The Campfire Stories: Special Edition – Now Available 🏕 VIDEO SERIES | The Campfire Stories – All Episodes Released 📱 DOWNLOAD OUR APP | https://subsplash.com/gbnlive/download Want to watch the newest episode before anyone else? Download the Gospel Broadcasting Network App to stream the episode at midnight the day it releases! ⌕ FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: @theauthenticchristian Tiktok: @authenticchristian Facebook: https://goo.gl/ApHCGE HAVE BIBLE QUESTIONS? | E-mail us: [email protected] ❤️ #aarongallagher #scottingram #God #jesus #scripture #gospelbroadcastingnetwork #churchofchrist #podcast #christianity #study #biblestudy #authenticchristianpodcast #gbn
7. How to be Content No Matter What | Light of the World (Season 4)
Home In a life or death emergency what would be important to you? Would you try to save possessions that are important to you, or would you focus on making sure you were safe? Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they look at the end of First Timothy to learn what God says about having a healthy perspective concerning our material things.