Are Jephthah’s actions in Judges 11 proof that God condones literal human sacrifices? Join Eric Lyons as he addresses what some consider “a top 10 worst Bible passage.” Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
Is God Jealous and Insecure?
Why did God feel the need to condemn idolatry? Is He insecure, as some skeptics contend? And how can a good, loving God also be a jealous God? Join Eric Lyons as he considers a rational and biblically consistent response to these frequently asked questions. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
Less About Me In Worship (Audio)
In our consumer-oriented culture, it is tempting to decide how we worship based on what we like rather than what God wants. The real question we need to ask is whether God likes what we are giving Him. He is the real audience. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
Where Is God and What Is He Doing? (Audio)
For a child of God, there may not be a more uplifting and soul-satisfying spiritual exercise than to reverently ponder some of the many actions of our awesome God. The more we think about God and His work, the more we are drawn to Him, and the more we’ll want to follow His holy will for our lives. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
The Abundant Grace of God (Audio)
If God could save Saul of Tarsus, King Manasseh, and the prodigal son, He can save you, regardless of your current sinful situation. Why not humbly and penitently respond to God’s grace today, and then daily walk with Christ, extending grace and the Gospel of grace to others? Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.