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Allow John 3 To Explain John 3:16

In the preliminary sense of the word, to “believe” in Jesus means to mentally acknowledge that He is the Son of God and man’s one and only Savior. A John 3:16 type of saving faith certainly includes this sense of believing, but it also comprises much more, as John chapter 3 demonstrates. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.

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Ephesians 2:8-9—Grace, Faith, and Works

Ephesians 2:8-9 rightly emphasizes salvation as a gift from God, not earned by meritorious human works. Just as we cannot revive ourselves from physical death, individuals cannot save themselves from spiritual death. So, does this mean we “do nothing” to receive the free gift of salvation? Join Eric Lyons as he delves into this extremely important and often misunderstood question. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.

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Ephesians 2:8-9, Repentance, and Baptism

While Ephesians 2:8-9 is often quoted as proof that repentance and baptism are unnecessary to be saved, a serious study of these verses in the overall context of Ephesians reveals just the opposite. In reality, Paul’s teachings on repentance and baptism are in perfect harmony with his teachings on grace, faith, and works. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.

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Were Jesus And Paul Against Baptism?

If baptism is necessary for salvation, why did “Jesus Himself…not baptize”? And why did Paul say, “I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius… For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the Gospel”? Surely, if baptism is necessary to be saved, then Paul would not have made such statements, and Jesus would have baptized people, right? Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.

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Two Different Questions: What & When?

The Jordan River did not cleanse Naaman of leprosy; the Pool of Siloam did not heal a man of blindness; and water immersion is not what removes sin from sinners. Such power is found only in the cleansing power of God! But when does God indicate that Jesus’ blood saves a sinner? Join Eric Lyons as he briefly discusses the importance of understanding both the “what” and the “when” of salvation. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.