Let’s study together with our Bibles open to 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 and ask ourselves if we are living a purposeful life. In this week’s episode of Preaching the Gospel, brother Cliff will give us three things to think about by using Paul as an example of his purposeful life and the crown we aim to win in this race. (1114) 📺 WATCH ALL THE EPISODES OF PTG: 📽 CHECK OUT THESE SHORT CLIPS FROM PTG: 📲 DOWNLOAD OUR APP: Available on the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, Apple TV, & Roku! Download Our App 🕸 VISIT US ON THE WEB: www.gbntv.org #jesus #attitude #christ #imitate #james #peter #matthew #wordofgod #saveyoursoul #churchofchrist #cliffgoodwin #preachingthegospel #gbn
We see from the Bible that modesty is important, but that raises a question: What IS modesty? Watch More “Drawn Toward God” : https://bit.ly/3TEJ7Ld DOWNLOAD APP | https://subsplash.com/gbnlive/download Download the Gospel Broadcasting Network App to be able to stream all new shows, read articles, do Bible studies, and more! FOLLOW US Facebook: https://goo.gl/ApHCGE Instagram: @theauthenticchristian Tiktok: @authenticchristian HAVE BIBLE QUESTIONS | E-mail us: [email protected] #gospelbroadcastingnetwork #gbn #biblestudy #churchofchrist #modesty
The Authentic Christian Podcast S4 E26 – Calling on the Name of the Lord
APPEAL to God through the SACRIFICE of CHRIST. #gospelbroadcastingnetwork #theauthenticchristian #gbn #forchristiantiktok #forchristians #biblestudy #churchofchrist #christianpodcast #authenticchristian #baptism
The Nation of Israel According to Scripture Part Two | S4E26 – The Authentic Christian Podcast
In the final episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast Season Four, Aaron and Scott wrap up the discussion of The Nation of Israel According to Scripture. Do we as Christians have an obligation to support Israel? How should we show our support to Israel? Grab your Bible and follow along with Aaron and Scott in today’s episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast. SEE YOU BACK FOR SEASON FIVE! We look forward to sharing new episodes this season EVERY WEDNESDAY until the end of the year! Join Aaron & Scott as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide our response. PODCAST RESOURCE PAGE | https://bit.ly/3tSoX4N OTHER RESOURCES | https://linktr.ee/theauthenticchristian ^ Download FREE Bible posters, watch teaching videos, find a local church, and discover every resource mentioned in the podcast. 🎧 PODCAST | The Authentic Christian: Season 1-4 Now Streaming 🎧 PODCAST | The Campfire Stories: Special Edition – Now Available 🏕 VIDEO SERIES | The Campfire Stories – All Episodes Released 📱 DOWNLOAD OUR APP | https://subsplash.com/gbnlive/download Want to watch the newest episode before anyone else? Download the Gospel Broadcasting Network App to stream the episode at midnight the day it releases! ⌕ FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: @theauthenticchristian Tiktok: @authenticchristian Facebook: https://goo.gl/ApHCGE HAVE BIBLE QUESTIONS? | E-mail us: [email protected] ❤️ #aarongallagher #scottingram #israel #God #scripture #nation #abraham #ishmael #hagar #israelpalestineconflict #hamas #support #gospelbroadcastingnetwork #churchofchrist #podcast #christianity #study #biblestudy #authenticchristianpodcast #gbn
The Church of Christ
Counterpoint with B.J. Clarke and Mike Hixson Subscribe to GBN for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=GBNTV Comment below and let us know what you think. If you have any questions you can E-mail us at [email protected] The Gospel Broadcasting Network is a non-profit organization that is fully-funded and supported by the churches of Christ. Find out more about us on https://www.gbntv.org