God created humans and animals, and both were good in His eyes. Does this mean that humans and animals are equally important? Join Kyle Butt as he seeks to answer from the Scriptures the moral dilemma of which is worth more, human life or animal life. Go to http://www.apologeticspress.org/ for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
Who is the Virgin in Isaiah 7:14?
Kerry Duke dives deep into the text of Isaiah 7:14 in orer to give us a better understanding of what the text really means and why it is controversial. 📲 DOWNLOAD OUR APP: Available on the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, Apple TV, & Roku! Download Our App 🕸 VISIT US ON THE WEB: www.gbntv.org 📖 HAVE BIBLE QUESTIONS? Email us at: [email protected] #gbn #gospelbroadcastingnetwork #bible #understandingthebible #christianity #churchofchrist #jesus #understanding
Coping With the Loss of a Spouse | Truth on Wheels
Losing someone you love is hard. Join Don Blackwell and Kerry Duke as they discuss how Kerry copes with losing his wife after a long battle with cancer. Don and Kerry will look at loss through a Spiritual lens and hope to encourage you if you’re also experiencing loss. Follow along each Friday at 11:00 am (CT) to see vlogs on what Don Blackwell has learned to adapt to in his day-to-day life, Bible teaching, interviews with fellow preachers, and much more! 📺 WATCH TRUTH ON WHEELS: New episodes of Truth on Wheels will be available to watch every Friday here on YouTube and https://www.facebook.com/GBNOrg! 📲 Watch episodes of Truth on Wheels at ANY TIME on the GBN APP, available on the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, & Roku! Download Our App ❓ GOT A BIBLE QUESTION? – Email Us! [email protected] ☑️ LIKE THE VIDEO & SUBSCRIBE TO GBN for more content! https://www.youtube.com/user/GBNTV #vlog #christianvlog #gbn #christianity #churchofchrist #donblackwell #biblestudy
Part 3: A Pilgrim’s Journey | The Temple: Then and Now
https://biblelandpassages.org For a Jewish worshiper, a visit to God’s Holy Hill was exciting and joyous, and filled with many traditions, but with King Herod’s exquisitely designed Greek and Roman architecture in view the journey was only intensified and captivating. A pilgrimage up to the temple, and a visit inside its beautiful courts and buildings would have been a journey to remember and a walk beyond compare. So, what did first-century Jews experience as they made their way up to the sacred temple, and what did they encounter when they arrived at the top of God’s Holy Hill? Follow along on this fantastic journey as we walk through the streets of Jerusalem and arrive at the most sacred place on Earth.
The Sinners Prayer | Counterpoint with Mike Hixson & BJ Clarke
What does the Bible say about the Sinner’s Prayer? Where in the scriptures is it found? Follow along this week on Counterpoint to find out! 📺 WATCH COUNTERPOINT: New episodes of Counterpoint will be available to watch every Wednesday here on YouTube! 📲 Watch episodes of Counterpoint at ANY TIME on the GBN APP, available on the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, & Roku! Download Our App 📡 Want to watch new episodes of Counterpoint a day early? Catch us at 6PM on Tuesdays on these channels: – DirectTV Channel 376 – Dish Channel 262 – Glorystar Channel 117 – CBN 📽 PLAYLIST OF COUNTERPOINT EPISODES: ❓ GOT A BIBLE QUESTION? – Email Us! [email protected] ☑️ LIKE THE VIDEO & SUBSCRIBE TO GBN for more content! https://www.youtube.com/user/GBNTV #bible #biblebasic #biblestudy #morals #churchofchrist #church #sonofgod #gbn #counterpoint