Home Mark 10:45 says that Jesus came to serve rather than to be served. Philippians 2:7 says that He humbled Himself and took the form of a servant. Jesus found value in serving others. So much value, in fact, that He left Heaven to come to earth to serve. As Christians, we are to follow His example. Join Kevin Rutherford as he discusses our value in service to God.
You are important. #shorts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8CQ9Kqx1CE You are important. #shorts
A Heaven to Gain, A Hell to Shun | Preaching the Gospel
Be sure to have your Bible and your mind open as we study in this week’s episode of Preaching The Gospel! (Ep. 1158) 📺 WATCH ALL THE EPISODES OF PTG: 📽 CHECK OUT THESE SHORT CLIPS FROM PTG: 📲 DOWNLOAD OUR APP: Available on the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, Apple TV, & Roku! Download Our App 🕸 VISIT US ON THE WEB: www.gbntv.org #gbn #churchofchrist #gospelbroadcastingnetwork #study #preachingthegospel #preaching #gospel #biblestudy
Biblical Belief and a Key Figure Of Speech
Why does the Bible call repentant, baptized individuals “believers”? If they did more than believe in Jesus, shouldn’t they be called “repenters” or “immersed ones”? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses a common figure of speech that relates to eternally important salvation matters. Go to http://www.apologeticspress.org/ for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
Howie & Honey – Stretching the Truth #4
Howie learns a valuable lesson about stretching the truth when his chores stand in the way of playing baseball with his friends. WATCH OTHER EPISODES of Howie & Honey! VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.gbntv.org DOWNLOAD OUR GBN APP – Available on the App Store, Google Play Store, Amazon, & Roku! Download Our App