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6. Misunderstood Verses of the New Testament | Light of the World (Season 5)

Home Reading is one of the first skills we are taught in school. But what good is the ability to read if we do not comprehend what we have read? Jesus often asked His disciples if they understood the scriptures. He spent much of His time teaching them what the scriptures meant. Today, it is also important that we understand what the Bible says. Some verses though, can be hard to understand. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they look at some of the most often misunderstood verses of the New Testament and what they mean.

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How Could a Good God Command Abraham to Kill His Son?

Does the God of the Bible delight in bloodshed from His followers? In Genesis 22:2, why did He ask Abraham to offer up his son as a human sacrifice? Is God cruel as atheists allege? Join Eric Lyons as he logically answers the atheistic attack on God’s loving character by looking at the verse in context. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.

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Count Your Blessings | Truth on Wheels

In this episode, Don gives a detailed tour of his handicap-accessible truck and shares the struggles he faces daily when driving. From the difficulties of accessibility to the extra effort required just to go places, he offers insight into the challenges many people may not realize. Despite these challenges, he reflects on the blessing of mobility and the importance of gratitude, remembering Psalm 103:2—”Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.” Check out 📺TRUTH ON WHEELS: episodes of Truth on Wheels on YouTube and! 📲 Watch episodes of Truth on Wheels at ANY TIME on the GBN APP, available on the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, & Roku! Download Our App ❓ GOT A BIBLE QUESTION? – Email Us! [email protected] ☑️ LIKE THE VIDEO & SUBSCRIBE TO GBN for more content! #vlog #christianvlog #gbn #christianity #churchofchrist #donblackwell #biblestudy