Why does the Bible call repentant, baptized individuals “believers”? If they did more than believe in Jesus, shouldn’t they be called “repenters” or “immersed ones”? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses a common figure of speech that relates to eternally important salvation matters. Go to http://www.apologeticspress.org/ for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
Howie & Honey – Stretching the Truth #4
Howie learns a valuable lesson about stretching the truth when his chores stand in the way of playing baseball with his friends. WATCH OTHER EPISODES of Howie & Honey! VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.gbntv.org DOWNLOAD OUR GBN APP – Available on the App Store, Google Play Store, Amazon, & Roku! Download Our App
What Is Your Value?
Home Each and every one of us was created in the image of God and that makes every single person important. While we do not want to be selfish or arrogant, it is critical that we recognize our importance. If God found us important enough to create us, and redeem us then we should recognize our importance to Him. Join Kevin Rutherford in this seven lesson series as he looks to the scriptures to find just how important we are to God.
Did Jesus Preach Hell Fire? | Beyond the Basics
Kerry Duke delves into the severe reality of Hell compared to the general view of the subject. Is Hell a real place? Would a loving God send people to eternal punishment? 📚 BEYOND THE BASICS PLAYLIST: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsRLTIUXqLYEEjjREwbg2qsYThmsJin6g&feature=shared 📲 DOWNLOAD OUR APP: Available on the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, Apple TV, & Roku! Download Our App 🕸 VISIT US ON THE WEB: www.gbntv.org 📖 HAVE BIBLE QUESTIONS? Email us at: [email protected] #gbn #gospelbroadcastingnetwork #bible #understandingthebible #christianity #churchofchrist #jesus #understanding
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