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Have your Bibles open and ready in Ephesians 5 to study how Paul describes how a Christian should look, and how they should not look, in another episode of Preaching the Gospel (1116). 📺 WATCH ALL THE EPISODES OF PTG: 📽 CHECK OUT THESE SHORT CLIPS FROM PTG: 📲 DOWNLOAD OUR APP: Available on the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, Apple TV, & Roku! Download Our App 🕸 VISIT US ON THE WEB: #churchofchrist #cliffgoodwin #preachingthegospel #gbn #love #ephesians

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Wonders of Creation: Venus Flower Basket

If you have made a call or connected to the internet recently, then you have probably used fiber optics, whether you knew it or not. Fiber optic lines are an amazing engineering innovation that utilizes light to more quickly communicate information. However, our modern designs were not the first instances of this type of process. Join Kyle Butt as he looks at an underwater “wonder of Creation” creature using nature’s fiber optics. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.

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The Good News and Seven Ones: 6. The One Faith

Home What is the difference between your personal faith, meaning your belief in God, and the “one faith” described in Ephesians 4? Join David Ballard as he looks at the significance of the one New Covenant brought to the world by Jesus and how a person’s belief in that one faith.