Join Cliff Goodwin as he demonstrates the kind of life that is worth living in Jesus Christ. Are you living a life well lived? Be sure to have your Bible and your mind open as we study in this week’s episode of Preaching The Gospel (1131)! 📺 WATCH ALL THE EPISODES OF PTG: • Preaching The Gospel 📽 CHECK OUT THESE SHORT CLIPS FROM PTG: • Short Clips | Preaching the Gospel 📲 DOWNLOAD OUR APP: Available on the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, Apple TV, & Roku! Download Our App 🕸 VISIT US ON THE WEB: #gbn #churchofchrist #gospelbroadcastingnetwork #study #preachingthegospel #preaching #gospel #biblestudy #firstsin #sin #adamandeve #fall
Where Did Cain Get HIs Wife?
In Genesis 4, we find that Cain had a wife when he settled in the land of Nod. But where did he get his wife? Was there a different race of people in the land of Nod? Join Kyle Butt as he studies the Scriptures to find the answer. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
Calvinism and Free Will
Kerry Duke delves into the subject of free will. He deeply discusses how Calvinists see the matter and how we should respond to their answer. How does the concept of free will affect our lives? 📚 KERRY DUKE PLAYLIST: 📲 DOWNLOAD OUR APP: Available on the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, Apple TV, & Roku! Download Our App 🕸 VISIT US ON THE WEB: 📖 HAVE BIBLE QUESTIONS? Email us at: [email protected] #gbn #gospelbroadcastingnetwork #bible #understandingthebible #christianity #churchofchrist #jesus #understanding
How to Reach the Jehovah’s Witness With the Truth | Truth on Wheels
Don has special guest Evan Diaz with him this week as they discuss how the Jehovah’s Witnesses interpret the Bible and what the Bible really says. Have your Bibles open and dive deep in the scriptures in this weeks episode of Truth on Wheels! Follow along each Friday at 11:00 am (CT) to see vlogs on what Don Blackwell has learned to adapt to in his day-to-day life, Bible teaching, interviews with fellow preachers, and much more! 📺 WATCH TRUTH ON WHEELS: New episodes of Truth on Wheels will be available to watch every Friday here on YouTube and! 📲 Watch episodes of Truth on Wheels at ANY TIME on the GBN APP, available on the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, & Roku! Download Our App ❓ GOT A BIBLE QUESTION? – Email Us! [email protected] ☑️ LIKE THE VIDEO & SUBSCRIBE TO GBN for more content! #vlog #christianvlog #gbn #christianity #churchofchrist #donblackwell #biblestudy
Genesis 22:2 – Did God Allow Human Sacrifice? | Challenging Bible Verses
Home Does the God of the Bible delight in bloodshed from his followers? In Genesis 22:2, why did he ask Abraham to offer up his son as a human sacrifice? Is God cruel as atheists allege? Join Eric Lyons as he logically answers the atheistic attack on God’s loving character by looking at the verse in context.