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Genesis 19:8 – Did God Condone Rape? | Challenging Bible Verses

Home Did God condone Lot’s actions in Genesis 19:8 when he offered his daughters to the men of Sodom? Some contend that Lot’s conduct and the Bible writers’ praise of the patriarch are rea-sons to reject the God of the Bible. Are they correct? Join Eric Lyons as he looks at this specific context to provide an answer to the atheist’s challenge.

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Light of the World (Season 3) | 24. The Bible from A to Z

Home From the many different people we learn about in the Bible to the many different types of literature we find in its pages, some find it difficult to know what the Bible is all about. While the Bible is made up of 66 individual books, it does all come together to tell us one grand story. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they discuss what the Bible is all about.

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Light of the World (Season 3) | 23. Lessons from Jericho

Home Everybody loves a story in which the underdog overcomes a seemingly insurmountable foe. Often when we think of Biblical underdogs we think of David fighting Goliath, but the battle between Israel and Jericho is another example of this. There Joshua led the nation of Israel against the walled city of Jericho. Today our foes may not be hiding behind impenetrable walled cities but from this battle we can learn how to conquer the spiritual battle we face today against the devil. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they study Joshua 6 and the lessons we can learn from the battle of Jericho and how God makes the difference.