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The Good News and Seven Ones: 3. Obeying the Gospel and the One Spirit

Home In this third lesson, the focus is on what it means to obey the Gospel, which is the Good News. How does the Bible compare the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus to the commands in how a person is to respond in obedience? Join David Ballard as he looks at being “out of Christ” and lost, to coming “into Christ” and being saved.

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Why Is the Bible So Hard to Understand?

Home Have you ever been asked, or even thought to yourself, “Why is the Bible so hard to understand?” Join Kyle Butt as he considers this question to help identify what exactly is meant, and then discuss some reasons why this may be thought.

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Wonders of Creation: Hippopotamus

Home They’re fat, yet fast. They can’t swim (or even float) yet live mostly in water. They’re vegetarians and yet kill more humans than lions do. As head-scratching as these walking “contradictions” may be, don’t miss out on their complex, functional design that logically points to a mighty Maker.