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Seven Things that Will Happen at Judgment Day

Home The day the Lord returns and the Earth is destroyed is described as the “Judgment Day.” The Bible describes numerous things that will happen, or scenes of the events occurring on that day. Join Don Blackwell as he looks at seven of these scenes to help in understanding what plans God has made known to us.

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Wonders of Creation: Snakes

Home Most people are disturbed by snakes, especially when seeing them in person. While often avoiding these slithering reptiles, we need to recognize they have a masterful design. Join Eric Lyons as he looks at both the amazing design and incredible diversity in these predators of Creation.

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Wonders of Creation: Blue Whales Elephants are big and many dinosaurs were bigger, but blue whales are the largest animals to have ever existed. With such an enormous size, how do the blue whales move, eat, and survive? Join Eric Lyons as he looks at the amazing design in this true wonder of Creation!

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8. Seven Things to Say to God Everyday | Light of the World (Season 4)

Home We live in a world full of ways to communicate with each other, and we probably use multiple ways every day. But the Bible says we must also communicate to our heavenly Father, and it provides prayer as the way in which this is possible. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they look at what our prayers to God should include.

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7. How to be Content No Matter What | Light of the World (Season 4)

Home In a life or death emergency what would be important to you? Would you try to save possessions that are important to you, or would you focus on making sure you were safe? Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they look at the end of First Timothy to learn what God says about having a healthy perspective concerning our material things.