Home Does the God of the Bible delight in bloodshed from his followers? In Genesis 22:2, why did he ask Abraham to offer up his son as a human sacrifice? Is God cruel as atheists allege? Join Eric Lyons as he logically answers the atheistic attack on God’s loving character by looking at the verse in context.
Part 5: The Third Temple | The Temple: Then and Now
https://biblelandpassages.org This first temple of the Jews was destroyed by the Babylonians, and the second by the Romans in AD 70, but many of the stones of a once glorious past are still visible. These stones often occupy the thoughts of various Jewish worshipers who long for the rebuilding of another temple. But will it occur? Did God intend for a third temple to be constructed? And if so, where and how? Join us on this last and final episode as we explore the mysteries of the temple and God’s plan for His third dwelling among His people.
Part 4: The Holy Sanctuary | The Temple: Then and Now
https://biblelandpassages.org Out of all the buildings on the temple mount, the inner courts were the most important of all. Within its walls a highly emotional experience awaited the Jewish pilgrim as he brought his sacrifice near to the door of Yahweh’s sacred dwelling, and up to the courts of the Lord. Once inside, what would a Jewish worshiper have encountered? Who was allowed inside? What kind of mysteries lay beyond the barriers, what types of furnishings and décor were found inside, and what was God trying to communicate by its elaborate design? Follow along, as we travel through the sacred courts of Israel and into the most sacred place on Earth.
Part 3: A Pilgrim’s Journey | The Temple: Then and Now
https://biblelandpassages.org For a Jewish worshiper, a visit to God’s Holy Hill was exciting and joyous, and filled with many traditions, but with King Herod’s exquisitely designed Greek and Roman architecture in view the journey was only intensified and captivating. A pilgrimage up to the temple, and a visit inside its beautiful courts and buildings would have been a journey to remember and a walk beyond compare. So, what did first-century Jews experience as they made their way up to the sacred temple, and what did they encounter when they arrived at the top of God’s Holy Hill? Follow along on this fantastic journey as we walk through the streets of Jerusalem and arrive at the most sacred place on Earth.
Part 2. The Stones Cry Out | The Temple: Then and Now
https://biblelandpassages.org The temple Jesus knew was one of the great engineering marvels of the ancient world. But, in AD 70 the Roman army of Flavius Titus destroyed both the city and the beloved temple of the Jews leaving only traces of its former glory. Only its foundation and the rubble scattered at its base remain, but its stones are crying out and revealing important answers as to its location, size, and design. These stones, along with the writings of Josephus, the Mishnah, and the Bible are giving archaeologists the needed data to better understand the past, and the story they are telling about King Herod and the temple is enthralling.