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Is God a Respecter of Persons?

Home God has given us free will. If we choose to obey His Word, salvation is given to us. If we choose not to follow Him, we will be lost. The Bible tells us that God does not show partiality, but what about those who have never heard the Gospel? Would a good and just God punish those who “never had a chance”? Join Don Blackwell as he looks into God’s Word and what it means that God is not a “respecter of persons.”

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The Good News and Seven Ones: 13. Can you change your religion? In this final lesson of the program, the question is, “Can you change your religion?” As you consider the seven “ones” found in Ephesians 4, there is a simple emphasis on the life of every person. Join David Ballard as he considers if there is a change needed in your life.

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The Good News and Seven Ones: 12. The One Hope

Home Will all who hope for heaven receive this eternal reward? What about the hope of the wicked and unjust man? Join David Ballard as he looks at the Bible’s description of the “one hope” and how it applies to humanity.

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The Good News and Seven Ones: 11. The One Baptism

Home In previous lessons, the importance of baptism in the plan of salvation was shown through God’s Word. However, does it matter how baptism is administered? Join David Ballard as he looks into God’s Word at how a person can correctly respond to the one faith’s baptism.