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2. The New Testament and Baptism | Light of the World (Season 5)

Home One of the most interesting words found in the English Bible is the word, baptism. This word is not a direct translation but rather a transliteration from the Greek. Yet it is a central topic discussed in the New Testament. What does this word mean and how does it affect the discussions on salvation? Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as the discuss these questions about the topic of baptism.

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The Parable of the Hidden Treasure | Preaching the Gospel

Be sure to have your Bible and your mind open as we study in this week’s episode of Preaching The Gospel (1156)! 📺 WATCH ALL THE EPISODES OF PTG: 📽 CHECK OUT THESE SHORT CLIPS FROM PTG: 📲 DOWNLOAD OUR APP: Available on the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, Apple TV, & Roku! Download Our App 🕸 VISIT US ON THE WEB: #gbn #churchofchrist #gospelbroadcastingnetwork #study #preachingthegospel #preaching #gospel #biblestudy

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Ephesians 2:8-9—Grace, Faith, and Works

Ephesians 2:8-9 rightly emphasizes salvation as a gift from God, not earned by meritorious human works. Just as we cannot revive ourselves from physical death, individuals cannot save themselves from spiritual death. So, does this mean we “do nothing” to receive the free gift of salvation? Join Eric Lyons as he delves into this extremely important and often misunderstood question. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.

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“Why Was Paul So Angry?” | BLP Connections: Athens

Walk with the apostle Paul through the ancient city of Athens. Explore the agora and visit the Parthenon resting atop the legendary Acropolis. See the remnants of historic Greek buildings and pagan temples and learn about the cultural and religious practices of Athens which serve as the backdrop to Paul’s speech on the Areopagus. Using some of the newest 3-D imaging software, Bible Land Passages is bringing the story of Paul’s visit to Athens to life and is helping us to understand why Paul became so angry during his visit to this celebrated city of antiquity.