Youth Group
The congregation at Prestonsburg believes that our youth are the church of tomorrow and the future of the community and world in which we live.

Bud Wireman is a Deacon with our Youth Group. He with the help of his wife Cristy plan and are engaged in developing activities to help shape our children.

Scott Thacker is a Deacon with our Youth Group. He with the help of his wife Anzie lead our Lads 2 Leaders/Leaderettes Program.
Our youth are divided into two groups:
Pre-K - 4th | 5th- 12th
Outside of our Bible Study programs on Sunday and Wednesday we are engaged with our youth.
Bi-Weekly the groups meet at different times to engage in fellowship and a spiritual activity that challenges them.
Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes
Since the foundation in 1968, the mission of L2L has been to develop youth into Christian leaders. From a group of eight boys in that first year to more than 20,000 today, our mission has remained the same.
Outside Activities
Our youth have opportunities to enjoy fellowship with activities outside of the building throughout the year.
As previously mentioned we have Bible Bowl teams which the youth are involved in to help them grow spiritually as they grow in knowledge of God's Word. Our youth are also encouraged to be part of the Read the Bible, Good Samaritan, and Centurion of Scriptures programs. These programs not only help our youth grow in knowledge of God's Word but also in service to God.