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In Christ Alone

In the Bible, physical salvation was repeatedly found in specific places, such as in Noah’s ark during the Flood or in houses marked with a lamb’s blood during the Exodus. Similarly, spiritual salvation from sin is found only in Jesus Christ. Are you safe in the Household of Christ? Are you a member of Jesus’ Church? Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.

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Salvation Principles and Relevant Commands

What does the Bible teach about receiving gifts from God and, especially, about receiving the gift of salvation? A vital truth that many seem to have missed is that something can be a gift from God, even though conditions must be met for that gift to be received. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.

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Receiving Eternal Life

What does the Bible teach about receiving gifts from God and, especially, about receiving the gift of salvation? A vital truth that many seem to have missed is that something can be a gift from God, even though conditions must be met for that gift to be received. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.

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The Only Cure For Sin

All have sinned and are without strength to save themselves, leading to eternal separation from God. However, through Jesus—Who sacrificed Himself for our sins—eternal life is offered as the most precious gift the world has ever known. Have you received this one divine antidote for otherwise terminal spiritual sickness? Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.

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Did God Encourage “Dashing Babies Against Rocks”?

Leading atheists allege that Psalm 137 teaches that God wants His people to dash babies against the rocks and be happy about it. Is this actually what Psalm 137 says? Join Eric as he briefly, biblically, and logically answers this question. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.