In Genesis 4, we find that Cain had a wife when he settled in the land of Nod. But where did he get his wife? Was there a different race of people in the land of Nod? Join Kyle Butt as he studies the Scriptures to find the answer. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
When Does Human Life Begin?
In order to justify the barbaric practice of killing babies in the womb, advocates claim that the child is nothing more than a “blob of tissue” and, certainly, not a “person.” However, for those who believe that the Bible is God’s Word, the facts say otherwise. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
Where Did All the Dinosaurs Go?
There has been a lot of speculation around the extinction of the dinosaurs. Some people think it happened millions of years ago. Some think that an asteroid caused the extinction. But what is the truth? Join Kyle Butt as he discusses the extinction of the dinosaurs from a biblical point of view. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
Valuing Human Life
God created humans and animals, and both were good in His eyes. Does this mean that humans and animals are equally important? Join Kyle Butt as he seeks to answer from the Scriptures the moral dilemma of which is worth more, human life or animal life. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
The Bible & the Age of the Earth
Have you ever wondered just how old the Earth is? Is it millions or billions of years old, as some say? Does the Bible agree with this idea, or does the Bible even say anything about Earth’s age? Join Kyle Butt as he looks into Scripture to consider the age of the Earth. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.